
Unlock exciting prospects for growth and success.

If you're a skilled and ambitious professional eager to leave your mark on your career path, we encourage you to explore the exciting opportunities we have available.

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Job openings and career opportunities

San Fransico, USA

Front End Developer - Development

Minimum 5 years experience or above

Full Time 10k - 30k
Changi, SGD

Web Developer - Development

Internship and training

Part Time 5k - 8k
London, UK

SQL Specialist - Database

0-5 years experience

Full Time 10k - 40k
Los Angels, USA

Web Designer - Design

For all level designers and freshers

Full Time 30k - 60k

Why Choose Our Services Over Others?

At Devextra Solutions, we think everyone's different, so we don't use the same plan for everyone. We make plans just for you, to help you succeed.

We promise to give you good stuff that lasts a long time, not just for now. Our help will keep helping you do well into the future.

  • Better Experience
  • Quick Response

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Feel free to reach out for any inquiries or assistance.

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